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Ingrown hair treatment

Our Ingrown hair treatment is offered in Montreal and Laval by industry experts, with friendly service, medical quality standards and the most effective technology.


Ingrown hairs can be an uncomfortable and unsightly skin issue, often leading to irritation and even infection. At New Age Spa, located in both Montreal and Laval, we offer specialized treatments that effectively target and prevent ingrown hairs, ensuring your skin remains smooth and healthy. Join us as we explore effective solutions tailored to free your skin from ingrown hairs.

Understand INGROWNS

Ingrown hairs occur when hairs curl back or grow sideways into the skin, leading to red, inflamed bumps. They can be caused by improper shaving techniques, clogged hair follicles due to dead skin cells, or naturally curly hair types. While ingrown hairs are common on the beard area and legs, they can appear anywhere hair growth is present.

Gentle Max pro laser device

our INGROWN HAIR solutions

Laser Hair Removal: One of the most effective ways to prevent ingrown hairs is through laser hair removal. This treatment reduces hair growth, diminishing the chance of hairs becoming ingrown. Safe for all skin types, it’s an excellent long-term solution for those prone to ingrown hairs. Exfoliating Treatments: We offer chemical peels and microdermabrasion to remove dead skin that can trap hairs. These treatments encourage the renewal of skin surface, preventing hair follicles from becoming clogged and reducing the risk of ingrown hairs.


Enjoy significant savings of 20% when you purchase a package of three facials compared to individual treatment sessions. Consistency is key to achieving optimal results. By committing to a series of treatments, you'll experience enhanced skin rejuvenation and long-lasting improvements in texture and tone.


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    1. What is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs? Regular exfoliation and proper hair removal techniques are key to preventing ingrown hairs. Additionally, wearing loose clothing can help reduce irritation.

    2. How does laser hair removal prevent ingrown hairs? Laser hair removal targets the hair follicle, reducing hair growth and thereby decreasing the likelihood of hairs curling back into the skin.

    3. Is there any downtime associated with treatments for ingrown hairs? Most treatments require no downtime, allowing you to resume daily activities immediately after your session.

    4. Can ingrown hairs be completely eliminated? While treatment significantly reduces the occurrence of ingrown hairs, ongoing maintenance may be necessary for those with coarse or curly hair types.

    5. Are these treatments painful? Discomfort levels are minimal for laser hair removal and other exfoliating treatments, and we use numbing creams to enhance your comfort.

    6. Who is a good candidate for these treatments? Anyone suffering from frequent ingrown hairs or skin irritation due to shaving or waxing is a good candidate. Our treatments are safe for all skin types and tones.

    7. What should I do immediately after receiving treatment? It’s important to avoid sun exposure and apply soothing lotions as recommended by our skincare professionals to enhance the healing process.

Additional Information and Pre-Post Care Instructions

Before Treatment:

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure: Refrain from excessive sun exposure and tanning beds for at least one week before your appointment. Sunburned or tanned skin can increase the risk of complications and discomfort during the procedure.

  2. Discontinue Certain Products: Stop using retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and other exfoliating skincare products for a few days before your treatment. These products can increase skin sensitivity and irritation.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Ensure that your skin is well-hydrated leading up to your appointment. Drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin regularly to maintain optimal hydration levels.

After Treatment:

  1. Apply Soothing Products: Use gentle, non-irritating skincare products recommended by your skincare professional to soothe and hydrate your skin post-treatment. Avoid products containing harsh ingredients or fragrances that may exacerbate sensitivity.

  2. Protect Your Skin: Shield your skin from direct sun exposure by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sunscreen helps prevent sunburn and minimizes the risk of hyperpigmentation, especially during the initial healing phase.

  3. Avoid Harsh Treatments: Refrain from using abrasive scrubs, exfoliants, or harsh skincare treatments for at least one week. These products can disrupt the skin’s healing process and increase the risk of irritation.

  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin regularly to maintain hydration and support the healing process. Hydrated skin promotes faster recovery and enhances the results.

  5. Follow Post-Treatment Instructions: Adhere to any specific post-treatment instructions provided by your skincare professional. This may include avoiding certain activities, skincare products, or medications that could interfere with the healing process.

  6. Be Patient: Results may take time to become noticeable as the skin undergoes the natural healing and regeneration process. Be patient and consistent with your skincare routine to achieve optimal results over time.

Why choose new age SPA

At New Age Spa, our ethos is built on honesty, quality service, and results-driven treatments. Our dedication to maintaining industry-leading hygiene standards, alongside offering a diverse array of effective treatments and personalized client care, distinguishes us in the skincare domain.